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See what voters in Natick have to say about Catherine…

Catherine is literally the hardest working School Committee member I have ever worked with during my time on the committee. She is constantly seeking out opportunities to learn, either from professional associations or from what is happening in other districts. She has an eagle eye on the budget and does her homework each and every meeting. She also does the work outside of meetings to push initiatives forward and to make connections with families and the community. It is truly impressive.

Julie McDonough, Natick School Committee Member, Former Chair, Current Clerk


Catherine has proven herself to be an indispensable asset to our committee. Her steadfast commitment to researching and thoroughly understanding complex issues has consistently enriched our discussions and informed our decisions. Her exceptional skills in community engagement have fostered stronger ties between our schools and the communities they serve, ensuring that the voices of parents, educators, and students alike are heard and valued. Catherine's willingness to challenge the status quo and explore innovative approaches to decision-making ensures that we are constantly striving to improve and make better decisions for the future.

Elise Gorseth, Vice Chair of the Natick School Committee and NPS Parent


Voting for Catherine Brunell is one of the easiest decisions I will ever make!

 She is a kind, caring human who listens with her whole heart. She is a woman you want by your side…a person who knows the importance of education and how to be inclusive . She is a mom, just like me to five kids. Her kids span across the Natick Schools, just like mine. She is invested in the kids, the people, the community, the town, and the schools. She shows up..always!  She listens, she cares, my kids know this and feel this from her too. My two sons who are seniors at NHS who just turned 18 are excited and honored to be able to cast their first votes for someone they know will listen to them, talk to them, and represent them well. Catherine is who they want…the kids, NHS students who can now have a voice thru someone they trust with the responsibility that comes with being a school committee member. Please consider casting your vote, March 26th, to Re-Elect Catherine Brunell for school committee.

Analisa Bianchi - NHS class of 94 graduate, Mom to five Natick Public School Kids


 Catherine Brunell is an incumbent school committee member, first elected in 2021. I first came to know Catherine in 2020. She was warm, giving, and genuine. She was also welcoming, focused, engaged and already serving our community in many ways. Since that time, I've been fortunate to build a friendship with Catherine. Beyond friendship, I've watched Catherine labor, learn and listen in order to best serve our school committee with everything she has. With every decision, Catherine is thoughtful, and hardworking. She leads with a strong moral and analytical compass.  She collects data, wrestles with all sides of the outcome and acts in the best interest of Natick students and families. Catherine is a fighter for our kids. She is focused on belonging and wants to see every kid have a healthy and positive experience in our schools. Catherine was a leader in the recent superintendent search. She made sure that diverse voices were heard in the process. Now that we've selected our next superintendent, I'm thrilled to endorse Catherine and see her work with her for the next three years. On March 26, I encourage you to join me in voting for Catherine Brunell for school committee!

Kristen L. Pope, Select Board Member & NPS Parent 


I've known Catherine for about 4 years now and found her to be thoughtful, decisive, resilient, represent the culture of our town and helpfully disruptive when the situation called for it.  She has put in a ton of hours away from the camera truly understanding the operations and goals of the Natick Public Schools in order to advocate for, or sometimes challenge them.


Knowing her personally, she and I have shared hours over the years talking about town affairs, specifically within the school system, as she acclimated to her role on the School Committee.  Whether she and I agreed or not on some details of a particular issue, it was quickly clear to me that she is motivated by doing the right things to ensure that Natick Public Schools supports kids and staff to be the best version of themselves.  Natick's "Profile of a Graduate" program.


This will become even more important over the next few years as Natick; onboards and new superintendent, continues to work on the budget to get towards a sustainable model, ensures kids have equitable access to opportunity, promotes social and emotional well being and engage the community.  The last piece about community engagement is perhaps Catherine's greatest strength and differentiator amongst those looking to serve.

- David Mangan, Natick School Committee 2016-2019, NPS Parent


I feel so fortunate that my kids have had great experiences in Natick’s schools, but I know that our schools are facing uncertain times and even threats to our core values.  That’s why I’m proud to support Catherine for re-election to the School Committee.  Catherine will make sure that our budget is transparent and aligned with our priorities as we deal with diminishing resources to face greater challenges.  Catherine has also been very clear in her advocacy for our most vulnerable students even in the face of a disinformation campaign targeting our support for them.  Catherine’s careful and compassionate approach is exactly what we need for our schools and community and I am excited to vote for her on March 26.

-Cody Jacobs, Finance Committee Secretary and Brown Elementary School Council Member.


I heartily endorse Catherine Brunell for Natick School Committee. Her vision for a comprehensive strategic plan for our schools is precisely what we need in Natick. It currently costs over $18,000 per year to educate one child and our town's children's needs continue to grow. Twenty percent of NPS schools require specialized education services. Our school district's infrastructure requires thoughtful capital planning to ensure that buildings, playgrounds, and athletic fields do not deteriorate, which would require much more immediate investment. Catherine supports careful planning and thoughtful budgeting, and working with the town, so that Natick's students flourish.  Catherine wants to ensure that all students feel safe, so that they may thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. For these reasons, and others, I support Catherine in her bid for re-election and ask you to do the same.

-Kathryn M. Coughlin, Natick Select Board and Town Meeting Member, Precinct 2


I am honored to express my strong support for School Committee candidate, Catherine Brunell. As a longtime Natick resident and a product of the Natick Schools (as well as the grandmother of a future Natick student), I want to see our schools as a beacon of excellence. I want Natick’s children to be well educated, tolerant, and respectful, while embracing the qualities of good citizens. I trust that the School Committee, with talented members like Catherine, understands what it takes to continually move our schools into the future. Catherine is a former teacher who is goal oriented, forward thinking, fiscally responsible, a great judge of character, all while being an experienced parent in our school system. Who better to serve the town of Natick!

Please join me in voting for Catherine Brunell on March 26.

 - Lisa Giallonardo, NHS Class of 1974


I'm voting for Catherine because she cares deeply about making sure our Natick schools, and frankly our entire town, is a safe and welcoming place for all to learn and become the best citizens they can be. Catherine is committed to ensuring people understand politics because what happens locally impacts us all. She is one of the reasons I felt so comfortable getting involved in town government. She did not bash an eyelash when I asked questions at my first Town Meeting trying to understand parliamentary language. She encouraged me to get even more involved. She made me feel like I belonged and my voice should be heard. She treats her role on the School Committee the same way, ensuring decisions made make sense, that it's okay to ask hard questions and all students do belong. Thank you Catherine, for being the role model you are. I am so proud to vote for you.

- Grace Keeney, Finance Committee Member, Town Meeting Member


I met Catherine Brunell at the height of the pandemic. Like other communities, Natick was facing serious challenges, and Catherine was deeply concerned. We spoke at length one weekend afternoon, and she made an immediate and lasting impression on me. Prepared, inquisitive, energetic, and razor sharp. A natural ability to engage, organize and mobilize an effective team, quickly absorb complex information and distill it to its essence, and communicate with a large audience. These are valuable skills in any context, but particularly so for elected officials. So I was not surprised when Catherine decided to run for School Committee. For the past 3 years, she’s put her considerable energy and skill to work for Natick. She’s earned a reputation for hard work and transparency. She’s earned the community’s trust. She’s earned re-election to the Natick School Committee. Please join me in voting for Catherine Brunell on March 26th. 

Mike Hickey, Former Select Board and Zoning Board Member, Town Meeting Member


This is my second time endorsing Catherine in her election/reelection to the Natick School Committee as an NPS-alumni, lifelong youth worker, and community organizer. The stakes of this election are so high, especially for our LGBTQ+ students. I’m voting for Catherine Brunell because I believe that she will advocate for our most vulnerable students and be outspoken on the issues that matter. She has been consistent in her advocacy and willingness to learn in order to become a better leader. Catherine is also deeply engrained in the Natick community with youth, parents, and organizations. Let’s get out the vote on March 26th!

- Él Martinez (they, elle) NPS Graduate Class of 2020, Clark University Student


"We are an informal group of Natick residents who are working with community leaders, school officials, other families, and educators to ensure that Natick schools are safe, inclusive and welcoming to all students. All means all–regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability status. Currently, a small but active group in town is attempting to dismantle the supports that exist for our LGBTQ+ students. Our group has been heartened to see School Committee members Catherine Brunell and Shai Fuxman consistently and vocally prioritize the success, safety, and well-being of all Natick students. We are confident that Shai & Catherine have the skills and character to continue doing what is best for Natick Public Schools. We proudly endorse Shai and Catherine for re-election and ask for your vote as well on Tuesday, March 26th...Both Catherine and Shai have made student belonging a top priority of their School Committee work. They express, through both words and actions, the importance of students feeling welcomed and valued in our schools, not simply tolerated. We encourage you to re-elect both Catherine Brunell and Shai Fuxman on March 26th and get more involved in their campaigns."


  • Claudia Trevor-Wright

  • Chris Therrien

  • Katie Joyce 

  • Emily Warmington

  • Julia Zaino

  • Farrah Raskin Rubenstein

  • Leigh Hallisey

  • Robin Chalfin

  • Ellen Casey-Magleby

  • Melinda Casey-Magleby

  • Sarah F. Cohen

  • Laura Hyman

  • David Gasser

  • Brooke Howard


"Catherine wants what we want – a town that is full of community, love and respect for one another. Her platform from day one has put equity and inclusion at the forefront. If it truly “Takes a Village” then Natick is where I want to be with Catherine leading the charge and helping our schools make the tough decisions on how they support all of our kids, how they spend their funding, how we support our Natick teachers and staff and how this is communicated to us as caring and invested parents." 

- Sandy Beyerly, Parent of 3 NPS students, Kennedy PTO President


I am amazed and grateful that Catherine is volunteering for a second term to spend her time supporting and helping guide our school system. With 5 NPS students of her own, she leverages her free time to listen to all the voices in the community and to research how other districts work or solve problems. Catherine brings so much experience and perspective to the School Committee table. I am happy to cast my ballot for Catherine.

Rebecca Lynn, Mother of 8th grade twins and longtime Natick Resident


Catherine is deeply committed to the Town of Natick through her service on the School Committee. She brings a consistent and reliable approach across a range of issues and has an inclusive perspective benefitting all our children, teachers and administrators throughout the School system. She is thoroughly aware of and fully researched on the issues that matter to Natick School stakeholders, and always has a focus on budget challenges, which will be especially important in the coming budget cycles. Her thoroughness, thoughtfulness, and compassion for all families in Natick make her a standout candidate for re-election. I am genuinely excited for her to continue in her leadership as School Committee Member. I hope you are as enthusiastic about her candidacy and ready to vote for her to continue her commitment to the Town of Natick.  

Susan Kang, NPS Parent and Former Alternate Member of the Planning Board


I am happy to write and give my endorsement for the incumbent Catherine Brunell for School Committee! I have known Catherine and her family for years.  Catherine and her family have participated in many Recreation & Parks programs during my three plus decades working for the Natick Recreation & Parks; swim lessons at Memorial Beach, Youth Basketball, Volunteering at Camp Arrowhead, Father/Daughter Valentine’s Dance and our many special events.The Town of Natick, its residents and most recently The School Department, have greatly benefited from Catherine’s passion and love for this town and her continued dedication to learn and be open to any and all ideas and especially all populations that make up the fabric of this wonderful town that I grew up in, went to school in and then graduated from NHS in 1980. Catherine has earned my vote because I trust that the community of friends, peers and colleagues that she has built here in Natick will only continue to grow and that can only benefit us here in Natick.

I have lived in Natick for over 58 years and I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to raise a daughter who also graduated from Natick High and has come back to town to work at Natick High in the Special Education Department. I am a registered voter out of Precinct 8 and I whole heartedly endorse Catherine Brunell for School Committee!

-Dan Keefe, Resident & Retired Director of The Natick Recreation & Parks Department



"As a parent of two kids in the Natick Public Schools, and also as a teacher in the district,  I’m writing to express my continued enthusiastic support for Catherine Brunell for School Committee. Over the past 3 years, Catherine has proven that she does the important work and tireless research required for her position, and is always prepared to ask the hard questions. I admire how Catherine handles tough questions with grace and empathy.  


Catherine is committed to ALL students, their safety, inclusion and success, while also considering the needs of the educators in town and our needs, listening to concerns and feedback. With our change of leadership in the district, Catherine has shown that she has the necessary collaboration skills and grit to best represent the needs of students, parents and educators." 

- Kate Neville, KMS & NHS parent, and WMS teacher


"Catherine was elected in 2021 by Natick voters who found a champion for their voices - whether their concern was budgetary, curriculum-related, political, or having to do with the decision to close the Johnson Elementary School. 


Catherine is not afraid to challenge the status quo, willing to ask tough questions, and has demonstrated the ability and willingness to learn and grow in the role, including serving as a School Committee appointee to the Superintendent Search Committee. It is because of that commitment to listening and learning, coupled with her unwavering commitment to giving voters a voice in their government, that I'll be voting for Catherine Brunell for Natick School Committee."

- Paul Joseph, Select Board Member, Parent of Natick Alumni


“Catherine is one of the most thoughtful, engaged and passionate leaders in the Natick community. I know she will work tirelessly to strengthen the connection and trust between Natick residents and the School Committee and help shape a smart, sustainable strategy for the future of Natick schools.”

— Ericka Stachura, Kennedy and Memorial parent


“I think one of Catherine’s greatest strengths is her ability to get more residents to realize their opinions matter, and that contributing to meetings matters... that paying attention to the town budget matters, even if you don't currently have children in our schools. Catherine has truly helped bring a transparency to our town politics that I've not seen in my 23 years of living here. I think she’s skilled at asking questions and getting answers in a way that feels more lay people than politician. We need for more residents to realize they need to participate and be heard and Catherine is great at that.”

— Brinley Vickers, High School parent

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